Through the road toll reform (Bompengereformen, only in Norwegian), it was made clear that the role of toll service provider was to be refined by separating it from the toll chargers in order to establish independent toll service providers. A toll service provider is the party that is authorised to enter into a user agreement with a motorist for toll payment by the use of an electronic tag.

The advantage of a user agreement and a toll payment tag within the tolling system is that having these entitles you to discounts and exemptions pursuant to the Guidelines for Toll Rates. The toll service provider is to act as a toll collector on behalf of the toll chargers. The advantage for motorists is that all toll transactions will be compiled in one invoice. It is the toll service provider that distributes the payments received among the toll chargers and projects.

There are several companies that have been approved as toll service providers in Norway (AutoPASS service providers). It is up to the individual motorist to choose which toll service provider they wish to conclude a user agreement with.

The toll service providers are private companies that operate according to regular business principles. The companies are thus free to offer additional services to their customers using the electronic tag. For information about additional services that may apply beyond toll payment, please be referred to the toll service providers' websites.

When you have a user agreement with a toll service provider, this agreement will specify your rights and obligations when it comes to toll payment. If you do not have a user agreement, you will be invoiced by the individual toll charger. Your obligation to pay is then regulated in the Toll Payment Regulations (Betalingsforskriften, only in Norwegian).

The Toll Service Provider Regulations set out the right and obligations applying to the public administration and the toll service providers respectively and make it possible for any party that meets the given requirements for approval to carry out toll service provision for Norwegian road toll chargers and ferry companies. The Toll Service Provider Regulations (Utstederforskriften, only in Norwegian) were adopted on 14 December 2018 and entered into force on 1 January 2019. 


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